We've got the best online resource for learning manual small incision cataract surgery and connecting with the global community of MSICS surgeons.
The best comprehensive opportunity database is a click away. Visualize the needs for eyecare providers from around the world at a glance!
If you're looking to connect with like minded docs, you'll find opportunities around the country at your fingertips.
Thank you Global Sight Alliance for your support and assistance in this remarkable service project. Your wealth of contacts and expertize in conducting eye surgery missions in the developing world was a critical factor in the success of our project!
Leah Fisher Aschuar Eye Project 2013
Global Sight Alliance will allow you to be part of a world wide project that brings many people and organizations together to help those needy have sight again and participate in society. You will benefit more by your giving of yourself to this organization.
Jim Gills, St. Luke Eye Institute, Tarpon Springs, FL
Mission Eyes Network has become the central directing ground for resources relating to work, training, missions and ministry. More...
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